BASF-FeierabendhausThe CAPE-OPEN 2018 Annual Meeting took place at BASF-Feierabendhaus in Ludwigshafen, Germany on October 9 and 10, 2018. The CAPE-OPEN Annual Meeting at BASF follows the events held successively at Shell, Linde Engineering and BP these past three years.

BASF logo as of September 2018CO-LaN thanks BASF for its hospitality, for the very nice organization of the entire  meeting and for the very interesting tour of the plant organized prior to the conference dinner where the CAPE-OPEN 2017 Award was presented. The conference dinner was really a treat.

Representatives from AmsterCHEM, Aritmis, BASF, Bryan Research & Engineering, Céondo GmbH, ChemSep, Equinor, Hafnium Labs, Halias Technologies, KBC Advanced Technologies, Linde Engineering, Lonza AG, Optimized Gas Treating, Shell, Technische Universität Dortmund, Technische Universität Wien, University of Cape Town were present. Harry KOOIJMAN, representing ChemSep, stated “The meeting was very stimulating to me, as I laid a lot of new contacts within the CAPE-OPEN community, particular with smaller companies, and also to renew existing contacts.

Participants to the CAPE-OPEN 2018 Annual Meeting

CO-LaN has organized a training session on COBIA (CAPE-OPEN Binary Interop Architecture) on October 8, 2018 at the same location as the CAPE-OPEN 2018 Annual Meeting. The purpose of this one-day training course, aimed at developers, was to explain how to implement COBIA-based software with the tools delivered during Phase II of the COBIA project.

What did we hear about? (zipped archive of all presentations – 8098 Kbytes)

From the latest on a CAPE-OPEN rate-based equation-oriented parallel column model for dividing wall column design and maldistribution in ChemSep by Harry KOOIJMAN, Research Professor at Clarkson University. But also reports were presented by the Methods & Tools Special Interest Group, the Thermo Special Interest Group and the Interoperability Special Interest Group. The M&T SIG addressed the modifications induced by COBIA on a number of CAPE-OPEN Common interfaces. The Thermo SIG explained the new version of the Custom Data interface specification which is currently been reviewed by CO-LaN membership. The Interoperability SIG discussed versioning of the CAPE-OPEN standard and of its deliverables. The result of the Consultancy Service action in favor of Intelligen, Inc was described: an example code of a CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation socket is now available. Peter NELLEN described how he made use of the AmsterCHEM COBIA Wizard to develop in a matter of a few hours a COBIA-based Process Modelling Component.

October 9, 2018 morning

StartEndModePresenter and title
9:009:15Welcome Peter MAUER (BASF): “BASF at a glance
9:159:45Live Marina-Eleni STAVROU (BASF): “Computer Aided Process Design in BASF R&D
9:4510:30Live Richard BAUR (Shell): “CAPE-OPEN survey
11:0011:30Live Harry KOOIJMAN (ChemSep): “ChemSep: a CAPE-OPEN rate-based equation-oriented parallel column model for dividing wall column design and maldistribution
11:3012:00Live Michel PONS (CO-LaN): CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation socket
12:0012:30Live Juan ALAVA (TU-Dortmund): “Matlab Unit Operation potential improvements for academic use in the Aspen Plus environment


October 9, 2018 afternoon

StartEndModePresenter and title
13:3013:45Live Michel PONS (CO-LaN): “Interoperability SIG report
13:4514:00Live Oliver KOCH (Linde Engineering): “Certification SIG update
14:0014:30Live Marlene LUND (EQUINOR): “Simulation of New Gas Processing Concepts
14:3015:00Live Sergej BLAGOV (BASF): “Thermo SIG report
15:0015:30Live Sandra FILLINGER (LONZA AG): “Introduction to Lonza AG with respect to CAPE-OPEN
16:0016:30Live Bjorn MARIBO-MOGENSEN (Hafnium Labs): “Enabling process simulation of reactive electrolyte mixtures using CAPE-OPEN
16:3017:15Discussion Jasper van BATEN (AmsterCHEM): “Which diffusion coefficients?


October 10, 2018 morning

StartEndModePresenter and title
8:3009:15AGM Richard BAUR (Shell): “Annual General Meeting of CO-LaN Members
09:1509:45Live Klaus MOLLER (University of Cape Town): “The use of CAPE-OPEN tools in the teaching of undergraduate students at universities in southern Africa
10:1510:45Live Michael HLAVINKA (Bryan Research & Engineering): “Methods & Tools SIG report
10:4511:15Live Peter NELLEN: “My experience with the COBIA Wizard
11:1511:45Live Jasper van BATEN (AmsterCHEM): “COBIA Phase III: Marshaling
11:4512:30Discussion Michel PONS (CO-LaN): “COBIA Licensing scheme