CO-LaN held its Annual General Meeting of Members on Feb 17, 2005 in Como, Italy, followed by the 2nd CAPE-OPEN European Conference featuring an Interoperability Showcase presenting a large number of software components and environments made CAPE-OPEN compliant by commercial and academic editors. More than 30 participants attended.

The CAPE-OPEN Award 2004 was presented by Peter BANKS (CO-LaN Secretary) to Pascal ROUX from IFP in recognition for his contributions to CAPE-OPEN.
The 10th anniversary of CAPE-OPEN was celebrated on February 17, 2005 during the conference dinner. Bertrand Braunschweig, formerly project leader of CAPE-OPEN, Global CAPE-OPEN and GCO Support projects as well as former CO-LaN President, gave a presentation summarizing what has been achieved and what will be CAPE-OPEN tomorrow.
On Feb 18, 2005, an Interoperability Workshop was held within the 2nd CAPE-OPEN European Conference.