The Interoperability SIG met from 9 am till 10 am European Central Time.


COLTT, TLB/PIA installers, activity report at CAPE-OPEN 2017 Annual Meeting.


Malcolm WOODMAN, Michael HALLORAN (Contractor to CO-LaN) and Michel PONS (Contractor for CO-LaN as Chief Technology Officer)


Priorities were defined as being update of COLTT Roadmap document in the way defined (merging somehow the old COLTT specification document and the Roadmap document since the Roadmap document makes reference to the specification document in ways which are not consistent anymore). Then review by Michael HALLORAN of documents related to COBIA in order to provide input to the M&T SIG. And finally to draft a report to be presented at the CAPE-OPEN 2017 Annual Meeting along the lines defined: encouraging more strongly to use the released CAPE-OPEN TLBs and PIAs installers, summarize feedback expressed regarding COBIA, inform on Lessons learnt document, summarize COLTT Roadmap in order to get feedback from attendees.

Next conference call is scheduled for October 7, 2017.


Any CO-LaN member with interest in the development of the set of software tools offered by CO-LaN is welcome to join. Please contact Malcolm WOODMAN, leader of the Interoperability SIG for further information.