- Apologies for absence
- Previous minutes
- 2017 Annual General Meeting
- CAPE-OPEN 2017 Annual Meeting
- Previous Minutes and Actions
Peter MAUER representing BASF, Mick LEE representing BP, Oliver KOCH representing Linde, Richard BAUR representing Shell, Bryn STENHOUSE (Consultant), Michel Pons Technologie (Contractor – CTO represented by Michel PONS, present through remote link).
Apologies received from Isaiah HUANG (Dow) and Philippe ARPENTINIER (Air Liquide).
Previous minutes:
The September 2017 Management Board minutes were approved.
2017 Annual General Meeting
Arrangements for the Annual General Meeting were reviewed: It was agreed that the financial slides demonstrate that funding for development work would be tight in 2018 and beyond with the current flow of income.
CAPE-OPEN 2017 Annual Meeting
Arrangements for the CAPE-OPEN 2017 Annual Meeting were reviewed. Agenda was finalized.
It was agreed that the deprecation of Thermo 1.0 would be presented at the CAPE-OPEN 2017 Annual Meeting as a firm decision for December 2017. The decision would only be reviewed if strong push back was received from the meeting attendees. A clear message about the depreciation plan is required in order not to alarm PME vendors with 1.0 interfaces and end-users with 1.0 models in use. Deprecation means that the 1.0 interface will no longer be developed but that it will not be disappearing. Users will be actively discouraged from using Thermo 1.0. However, the 1.0 type libraries will be retained on the website, available for download, for 2 years beyond the end of 2017. It was noted that no development on the Thermo 1.0 interface had been made for 7 years.
Next monthly meeting is scheduled for November 9, 2017.