Picture of Michael HLAVINKA, Bryan Research & EngineeringAt the CAPE-OPEN 2019 Annual Meeting, Michael HLAVINKA (Bryan Research & Engineering) presented a report (access PDF here) on the activities of the Methods & Tools Special Interest Group (SIG) over the period lasting from October 2018 to September 2019. Michael, as a very active member of the Methods & Tools SIG presented the report on behalf of Bill BARRETT (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), leader of the Methods & Tools SIG who was unable to attend the meeting in Amsterdam this year.

The Methods & Tools SIG is active with three to four conference calls each month. Its focus has been on updating CAPE-OPEN interface specifications to the COBIA middleware, on developing new interface specifications like Flowsheet Monitoring, on specifying the distribution aspects of COBIA deliverables and, together with the Interoperability SIG, on developing recommendations on versioning of the CAPE-OPEN standards and its different ways of publication.