The Interoperability SIG met from 9 am till 10 am European Central Time.


Malcolm WOODMAN, Michael HALLORAN (Contractor for CO-LaN) and Michel PONS (Contractor for CO-LaN as Chief Technology Officer)


Finalization of the Developer Guide for CAPE-OPEN TLB/PIA installers following approval by Management Board of public release and comments received from Management Board. Decision made for arranging conference call to present installers and guide to community of CAPE-OPEN developers. Brief review of the document on lessons learnt from that development. To be shortly released to Management Board. Discussion on Interop SIG involvement in COBIA Phase II and remarks gathered for Management Board.

Next monthly conference call scheduled for March 16, 2017.


Any CO-LaN member with interest in the development of the set of software tools offered by CO-LaN is welcome to join. Please contact Malcolm WOODMAN, leader of the Interoperability SIG for further information.