Dr SALIMI graduated from University of Tehran with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 2004, then obtained a Master of Science in Advanced Materials from Chalmers University of Technology in 2006 before joining the University of Manchester where he obtained a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in 2009. He has been working for Infochem, now KBC, since May 2010.
Dr Richard SZCZEPANSKI has been involved in CAPE-OPEN for many many years, going back to the Interoperability Task Force of the Global CAPE-OPEN project where, under the leadership of Peter BANKS at BP, many tests were conducted with major software vendors. Richard received the CAPE-OPEN 2002 Award for the constructive collaboration he helped establish between competing commercial companies so that interoperability could be delivered.
Dr Jasper van BATEN is a leading expert in CAPE-OPEN, has developed its own suite of PME and PMCs adhering to the CAPE-OPEN standard, is regularly providing consultancy services on the implementation of CAPE-OPEN interfaces, is active in all CO-LaN Special Interest Groups and co-leads the Thermo SIG. Jasper received the CAPE-OPEN 2006 Award for the creation of the CAPE-OPEN based simulator COCO. He has been collaborating with Infochem, then with KBC, for many years and has been contracted by CO-LaN to help KBC with their COBIA-based development.
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