Thermo Special Interest Group met on August 16, 2022 from 10 am till noon (Central European Time).


  • Develop the presentation reporting on activities of Thermo SIG since the CAPE-OPEN 2021 Annual Meeting.


BASF (represented by Sergej BLAGOV), AmsterCHEM (represented by Jasper van BATEN), University of Cape Town (represented by Klaus MÖLLER),  Michel PONS (Consultant as Chief Technology Officer).


Thermo SIG has been asked to report at the CAPE-OPEN 2022 Annual Meeting on its past and future activities.

The new charter will be mentioned since the scope and list of key responsabilities have been amended.

A large part of the report will address the Manager interface, explaining what were the issues with the Property Package Manager interface specification within the Thermodynamics and Physical Properties interface specification, and how the design chosen for the Manager interface resolves these issues.

The report will also highlight the benefits from the comments received on the September 2021 version of the Chemical Reactions interface specification.

Next conference call scheduled for August 22, 2022 at 10 am (Central European Time).


Picture of Sergej BLAGOV, BASF (2018)Picture of Jasper van BATEN (AmsterCHEM)Any CO-LaN Member interested in the Thermo SIG activities is welcome to join this Special Interest Group. Contact the co-leaders of the SIG for further information: Sergej BLAGOV at BASF () and Jasper van BATEN at AmsterCHEM (). The Thermo SIG is looking for additional parties, well versed into any aspect of thermodynamics applied to process simulation and willing to contribute to the maintenance and development of CAPE-OPEN interface specifications related to thermodynamical aspects.