AspenTechCO-LaN is conducting interoperability tests between software products implementing CAPE-OPEN interfaces. These tests are performed on computers owned by CO-LaN. Software vendors provide CO-LaN with free-of-charge licenses and in return receive reports on the tests performed, enabling them to improve if needed their implementation of CAPE-OPEN interfaces.

Aspentech and Invensys Process Systems – SimSci Esscor have renewed the contractual arrangements that provide to CO-LaN free-of-charge licenses of their software products implementing CAPE-OPEN interfaces. Licenses for Aspen Plus, Aspen Hysys (Aspentech) and PRO/II (SimSci-Esscor) have been made available till January 31, 2009. CO-LaN thanks Aspentech and SimSci-Esscor for this.

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