CAPE-WP_logoThe European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – 11 (ESCAPE-11) was held in Kolding, Danemark on 27-30 May 2001 as the 34th European Symposium of the Working Party on Computer Aided Process Engineering of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering.

The European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) is the reference event promoted every year by the CAPE Working Party since 1991. Oral and poster talks at the ESCAPE events are printed in the Proceedings Series Computer Aided Chemical Engineering.

CAPE-OPEN has been present very often in the ESCAPE conferences with notably the live demos made at ESCAPE 9 in May 1999 while the conference was organized in Budapest. CAPE-OPEN was also present at ESCAPE 8 when early results of CAPE-OPEN were mentioned by BASF.

In Kolding, ENSIACET researchers reported on the development of a software providing numerical services and implementing the CAPE-OPEN Numerical interfaces.