Picture of Richard BAUR (representative of Shell as of 2018)Richard BAUR (Shell), the UNIT Special Interest Group (SIG) leader, presented a report (PDF, 928 Kbytes) on the SIG activities in 2007 and beginning of 2008 at the 5th CAPE-OPEN European Conference (CAPE-OPEN 2008 Annual Meeting) held on April 3-4, 2008 in Cambridge, UK.


In 2007 progress was made on the Dynamic Unit interface specification with a consensus found on major aspects of the interface design and significant improvements brought to it. The Unit Operation interface specification document was revised in order to tidy it up (removal of deprecated interfaces for instance) and to clarify its contents. Especially, a complete definition of energy and information ports and streams was finally defined and its first implementation is reported in at least two major PMEs.

Perspectives and goals for 2008 were outlined: a Request For Comments is considered for the Dynamic Unit Operation interface specification document together with the start of the approval process for the revised Unit Operation interface specification document and for the Parameter Common interface specification document which has been also updated over the last period.