Cover page of Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering volume 5On April 23, 2014, a paper by Petar Sabev VARBANOV was published in the journal “Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering”. The paper examines the future trends and directions in tackling the energy-water nexus in a context of efficient use ob both energy and water. The author expresses the need “for developing an advanced and unified framework for modelling, computation, concept development and decision making”. More to it the author considers that “The modelling aspect can be catered for by a unified process modelling language based on for example, Modelica or MOSAIC, by a specification for inter-operability of diverse models such as CAPE-OPEN, or a combination of these”.

As reported by Technische Universität Berlin, MOSAIC is supporting CAPE-OPEN interfaces, giving the possibility to export a Unit Operation model built in MOSAIC as a CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation. Regarding Modelica research work in the control domain has already been reporting on the development and use of a CAPE-OPEN thermodynamic socket in Modelica. So the future directions presented by Petar Sabev VARBANOV look indeed promising.