Cover page of Chemical Engineering Research & Design vol 142Logo of NTNUToday was published on line, in Chemical Engineering Research & Design, a paper by researchers at the Department of Chemical Engineering of NTNU. They have developed in MATLAB a CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation, using software provided by AmsterCHEM. It models a membrane contactor. The Unit Operation is plugged into Aspen HYSYS in order to optimize a new subsea natural gas dehydration process.

This group at NTNU has already published in 2018 work making use of the model of a membrane contactor in MATLAB, always with Aspen HYSYS but in a different process context.

This shows that once a CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation has been developed, it may be used again and again thanks to the interface standardization offered. It also shows the confidence put into such an interfacing technology by these researchers. CO-LaN welcomes the continuous use of CAPE-OPEN at NTNU department of Chemical Engineering.