CO-LaN Management has decided to deprecate version 1.0 of the Thermodynamic and Physical Properties interface specification. Version 1.1 of the Thermodynamic and Physical Properties interface specification has a much better design as demonstrated in terms of performance and versatility, for example with respect to any number of phases. Also version 1.1 is now supported by most of the major software tools.
A request to deprecate version 1.0 was made by the Thermo Special Interest Group at the CAPE-OPEN 2014 Annual Meeting. Input from a number of software vendors on this deprecation proposal was received at the CAPE-OPEN 2017 Annual Meeting with everyone voicing a position in favour.
The technical consequences of deprecation:
- CO-LaN will no longer maintain version 1.0 of the Thermodynamic and Physical Properties interface specification, no further errata and clarifications on this specification will be issued, no revision of the interface specification document will be made.
- CO-LaN will archive the corresponding documents from its website.
- Developers will need to refer to version 1.1 of the CAPE-OPEN Type Library and Primary Interop Assembly in version 1.1 for any new development. There will no longer be a version 1.0 of either the CAPE-OPEN Type Library or Primary Interop Assembly. However, for the time being, the CAPE-OPEN Type Library and Primary Interop Assembly will include Version 1.0 of the Thermodynamic and Physical Properties interface specification.
The deprecation of version 1.0 will not prevent the use of existing implementations using this version since a small number of process simulation tools are still relying exclusively on version 1.0. Rather it is the intent of CO-LaN to promote version 1.1 as the only choice for any future new implementation of the CAPE-OPEN interfaces.
The deprecation of Thermo 1.0 will allow vendors who support the use of CAPE-OPEN interfaces to remove Thermo 1.0 code at some point in the future, thus simplifying the maintenance of their CAPE-OPEN implementations.