The Methods & Tools Special Interest Group met from 4 pm till 5:30 pm Central European Time.
- Versioning: comments and Use Case on revised Petroleum Fractions interface specification
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (represented by Bill BARRETT), Bryan Research & Engineering (represented by Michael HLAVINKA), Michel PONS (contractor to CO-LaN as Chief Technology Officer).
Following the memo by CTO about the upcoming need to distribute a new version of CAPE-OPEN Type Definitions to take into account the revised Petroleum Fractions interface specification, Methods & Tools Special Interest Group addressed some inconsistencies remaining in the versioning scheme document.
The version number of the CAPE-OPEN Type Distribution Packages (newly defined in the glossary within the document as platform-specific CO-LaN software distributions that provide for installation on a target computer of the CAPE-OPEN Type Definitions for use on the platform. The CAPE-OPEN COM Type Library and CAPE-OPEN .NET Primary Interop Assembly (PIA) are examples of platform-specific CAPE-OPEN Type Definitions) is now mentioned as independent of the version of the CAPE-OPEN Type Definitions. This fits with the fact that the CAPE-OPEN Type Distribution Packages are versioned as 2.1.2 while they distribute CAPE-OPEN Type Definitions 1.0 and 1.1.
Due to past history, the application of the versioning scheme is different for current versions 1.x and upcoming versions 2.x. This is now reflected in the document.
The possibility to use the COBIA Runtime distribution as the vector for distributing the CAPE-OPEN Type Definitions, instead of having the CAPE-OPEN Type Distribution Packages as separate tools, was proposed and its advantages and consequences will be summarized by Michael HLAVINKA for the next meeting.
Next meeting of Methods & Tools SIG is scheduled for February 14, 2023.