Logo of Air Liquide SAPhilippe Arpentinier pcitureWithin the 3rd CAPE-OPEN European Conference, also referred to as the CAPE-OPEN 2006 Annual Meeting, Philippe ARPENTINIER from Air Liquide gave a talk (PDF, 218 Kbytes) showing how Air Liquide intends to rely on CAPE-OPEN.

The presentation summarizes first the evolution of the Air Liquide demand for thermodynamic properties (pure substances and mixtures) since the beginning of the nineties and the main difficulties currently encountered in R&D as well as in the Engineering Department for the estimation of thermodynamic properties and more generally on the level of process simulation due to the large variety of situations met with a lack of structure and tools for storage and re-use of information.

Then the main actions decided to answer to the evolution of the demand for thermodynamic properties and to solve the current difficulties are presented:

  • adoption of a thermodynamic standard usable at each step of the cycle of development of a process (pure substances: DIPPR; mixtures: Simulis Thermodynamics),
  • development of the concept of open “thermodynamic property package” dedicated to an application (interoperability of models, reproducibility of results, perpetuation of the in-house knowledge, improvement of the quality of accessible information for a relevant later re-use),
  • adaptation of the existing tools and development of the new tools with the CAPE-OPEN standard.

The above actions will start by extensively testing Simulis Thermodynamics in VALI (Belsim Engineering), in MATLAB and in Aspen Plus.

Y06 COEU AirLiquide