Cover page of Computers & Chemical Engineering vol 100Logo of Universidade de LisboaA group of researchers from Universidade de Lisboa and Universidade de Coimbra have published today on line in Computers & Chemical Engineering on an economic comparison of a reactive distillation-based process with the conventional process for the production of ethyl tert-butyl ether. The processes are modeled entirely in gPROMS while Aspen Properties is providing the calculation of thermodynamic properties.

This group of researchers have published in 2014 on the modelling they performed of the reactive distllation column also for the production process of ethyl tert-butyl ether.

So they have a rather long, and presumably good, experience with using CAPE-OPEN to link gPROMS and Aspen Properties. They took the association of gPROMS and Aspen Properties to the next level, applying the same thermodynamic model over an entire flowsheet, not just one unit operation.  This is good news for CO-LaN.