Thermo Special Interest Group met on April 4, 2023 from 11 am till 1 pm (Central European Summer Time).



AmsterCHEM (represented by Jasper van BATEN), BASF (represented by Sergej BLAGOV), University of Cape Town (represented by Klaus MÖLLER), Michel PONS (Consultant as Chief Technology Officer). Apologies received from KBC (represented by Richard SZCZEPANSKI).


Thermo SIG focused today on the Errata and Clarifications to be brought to the section dealing with interface ICapeThermoMaterial within the Thermodynamic and Physical Properties interface specification in its version 1.1. More precisely, Thermo SIG clarified the notes of methods ClearAllProps and GetOverallProp within the ICapeThermoMaterial interface implemented on a Material Object.

For ClearAllProps, the notes were re-ordered, giving place to a better prioritization of the various points developed. Also the reference to methods setting values of Physical Properties was abandoned and replace by a reference to methods that retrieve values of Physical Properties. This acknowledges the fact that proprietary methods can be used by the PME to set such values on a Material Object.

For GetOverallProp, the challenge with clarifying the notes resides mainly in making more explicit the notion of “not calculating” used in the current version of the notes. The emphasis is now explicitely put on the storage capabilities provided by a Material Object. The main issue is to make understand that getting the value of a Property Package relies on the value being present before the call to retrieve the value is made. The point is also made that a stored value may be converted to a different basis, or that a property per compound can be used internally to obtain the overall property or vice versa. Such conversions are the result of some basic calculations performed by the Material Object.

A change, similar to what was made above within ClearProps, was also introduced by mentioning the possible use of proprietary methods to set values of Physical Properties.

Next conference call is scheduled for April 18, 2023.


Picture of Sergej BLAGOV, BASF (2018)Picture of Jasper van BATEN (AmsterCHEM)Any CO-LaN Member interested in the Thermo SIG activities is welcome to join this Special Interest Group. Contact the co-leaders of the SIG for further information: Sergej BLAGOV at BASF () and Jasper van BATEN at AmsterCHEM (). The Thermo SIG is looking for additional parties, well versed into any aspect of thermodynamics applied to process simulation and willing to contribute to the maintenance and development of CAPE-OPEN interface specifications related to thermodynamical aspects.