Following the Request for Bids 002 published in May 2001, CO-LaN Management Board has selected ProSim SA for the development of a tester for Physical Properties Data Bases components (PPDB). This decision was taken on July 11, 2001.

The CO-testers software automatically exercise external components in order to check their compliance with the published CAPE-OPEN interface specifications. These testers all together form a testing suite enabling developers of CAPE-OPEN components to check their compliance with the standard. The testers are published in source and executable codes on the CO-LaN web site for components providers to download.

The bid concerned the test of CAPE-OPEN Physical properties database services (PPDB) for compliance with the specification for PPDB. A scenario may be manually played (or a script can be automatically played) and a report generated stating which method of which interface have been used and how the component behaved. The specification will be made available in August 2001. The PPDB CO-tester will share the look-and-feel of the other testers.