Authors: Ricardo MORALES-RODRIGUEZ¹, Rafiqul GANI¹, Stéphane DECHELOTTE², Alain VACHER² and Olivier BAUDOIN²

Affiliations: ¹CAPEC, Technical University of Denmark and ²ProSim SA

Reference: Ricardo Morales-Rodriguez, Rafiqul Gani, Stéphane Déchelotte, Alain Vacher and Olivier Baudouin (January 14th 2011). Interoperability between Modelling Tools (MoT) with Thermodynamic Property Prediction Packages (Simulis® Thermodynamics) and Process Simulators (ProSimPlus) via CAPE-OPEN Standards, Thermodynamics, Mizutani Tadashi, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/14218.


Comments: the authors start with an overview of the development of the CAPE-OPEN standard then describe the main parts of the standard before focusing on case studies. One sees a Generic CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation wrapper of an ICAS-MoT model used in both ProSimPlus and COFE.