Cover page of Computers & Chemical Engineering volume 81Author: Thomas A. ADAMS

Affiliation: McMaster University, Department of Chemical Engineering, 1280 Main St West, Hamilton, ON L9H 4L7, Canada

Reference (APA): Adams, T. A. (2014). Future opportunities and challenges in the design of new energy conversion systems. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 81, 94–103.

Abstract: “In this perspective, an overview of the key challenges and opportunities in the design of new energy systems is presented. Recent shifts in the prices of natural energy resources combined with growing environmental concerns are creating a new set of challenges for process design engineers. Due to the massive scale and impact of energy conversion processes, some of the best solutions to the energy crisis lie in the design of new process systems which address these new problems…”

Comments: the author shows some misconceptions of CAPE-OPEN. First about the WAR algoritm: “The WAste Reduction (WAR) algorithm, which can be used to assess the relative potential environmental impacts of emissions released by a chemical plant can be used in ChemCAD or via any CAPE-OPEN interface, or imported from Aspen Plus into a stand-alonesoftware package.” There is no such use through any CAPE-OPEN interface, since CAPE-OPEN interfaces are each specialized. If the COWAR Process Modelling Component was developed and used by University of Trieste and ICS-UNIDO researchers as a CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation, the future of use of the WAR algorithm lies with the Flowsheet Monitoring interface specification being worked upon by the Methods & Tools Special Interest Group.

Secondly the author states “The integration of process simulation software with LCA software should be substantially aided by the existence of open format standards for data exchange, in the form of CAPE-OPEN for process simulation data and SPOLD for LCA data.”. CAPE-OPEN is not a format standard for data exchange, it is an interoperability standard which operates at run-time.

Mind that CO-LaN has not considered yet the integration of process simulation software with LCA software.