address : Harry-Wilters-Ring 27
26180 Rastede
phone : +49 (0) 44 02 / 84 2 48
Approval date : 23/5/2007
Computing in Technology GmbH (CiT) – founded in 1992 by Michael Wulkow – produces and supports user-friendly and powerful program packages for the modelling, simulation and parameter estimation of polymerization reactions, chemical kinetics, bio- and pharmacokinetics, particle technology and waste-water treatment.
Based on special mathematical and numerical know-how, some of CiT’s products have reached reference status in the respective community in chemical industry and academics. Among CiT’s clients are most of the top chemical companies of the world. The main focus of users of CiT software is the identification and study of kinetics and detailed product properties, but also engineering aspects up to optimization and online process control play an important role. Since CiT does not provide physical and thermodynamical properties, the possibility to link to third-party packages in terms of a general framework for a most accurate description of all aspects of a model is quite attractive. Therefore CiT has (most of the time passively) accompanied the CO-LaN activities for some years now. A CAPE-OPEN-interface suited for the requirements within the PREDICI polymerization package has been implemented and tested.
At the 5th CAPE-OPEN US Conference, Dr WULKOW presented on status and issues of Implementation of a CAPE-OPEN Thermo Interface in the Polymer Kinetics Package Predici.
Dr Regina TELGMANN attended the CAPE-OPEN 2021 Annual Meeting.