Logo of Ruhr Universität BochumCO-LaN Management Board accepted today the application for Associate Membership by the Chair of Thermodynamics, led by Prof. Dr. Ing. Ronald Span, at Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Research at the Chair of Thermodynamics involves developing equations of state for pure fluid substances and mixtures, developing software to calculate thermodynamic properties from equations of state, measuring experimental properties such as density and viscosity over a wide range of conditions. Research involves simulating LNG liquefaction and vaporization processes. For that reason the Chair of Thermodynamics is considering making an equation of state (GERG-2004) as a CAPE-OPEN thermodynamic component. GERG-2004 is an equation of state applicable to 18 specified components of arbitrary composition. This equation covers in highest possible accuracy the gas and liquid phase and the vapour-liquid equilibrium as well.

Florian Dauber will be representing this organization within CO-LaN.